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Tax Saving Calculator

Invest up to Rs. 1,50,000 and save up to Rs. 46,350 in taxes by investing in the best tax saving mutual funds.
Use this calculator to calculate how much tax liability you have on your annual income and it also suggests you the ways to optimize your tax liability by investing smartly in ELSS, NPS and other 80C instruments.

You can save further maximum tax by investing Rs. 50000 in ELSS funds.

Your Net Taxable Amount is Rs.

You can save more on tax by doing Medical Insurance of Rs.

The tax saved mentioned here is based only on 80C investments and does not consider other tax-saving options like 80D, 80G etc.

You can save further Rs. 5150 by investing Rs. 50000 in NPS.

Compare - Tax Saving Products

Investment Lockin Period Pre-Tax Returns Tax Applicable
ELSS 3 Years 14-16% No Tax
5 Year Bank FD 5 Years 9.50% Interest Is Taxable
PPF 15 Years 8.50% No Tax
NSC 5-10 Years 14-16% Interest Is Taxable
Life Insurance 5 Years 0-6% No Tax